
Describe the motive for the crimes in a Time to kill and American crime stories

According to a time to kill’s case Tonya Hailey was raped by two white guys
After that those rapists were killed by Carl Lee Hailey who’s Tonya Hailey’s father.
There are many cruel situations such as threatening by Ku Klux Klan and they killed who wanted to help Carl Lee such as his lawyer, Jake Brigance and his company.
According to American crime story Death wish Mark planned an excellent murder.
He pretended to be Edward for blame him like commit suicide after that Mark killed
him so it seemed like Edward kill himself. And Death on Christmas Eve this story happened seemed like an accident but we do not know exactly its murder or accident.
Celia has a younger brother name Charlie then He wanted to get married to Jessie but
Celia did not want that after she knew about Marriage on Christmas Eve then Jessie fell down the top of the stairs then she died so Celia looked like a murder because she
Just one person who near Jessie but we do not know that she killed her or not.
The motives of a Time to kill First of all, Sex because those rapists wanted to rape Tonya because of Sex so they raped her even though she was just ten years old.
They looked like an insane person because ordinary people do not rape a girl especially, a young girl but she’s black people so they might want to rape black girl more then white girl because they hate them its one of motive. Secondly, Carl Lee killed two rapists because of revenge it is a simple motive for a crime but it still happens nowadays so he killed them because he could not sleep if he did not do that.
Third, Hate because The Ku Klux Klan wanted to threaten and killed who help Carl Lee and Jake because they hated black people so they did not want Carl was free.
And they did not mind who help Jake and Carl Lee even they are black or white.
The motive of American stories both of them because of jealous.
Mark planned a perfect crime because he wanted Edward’s wife to run away from Edward but His wife wanted to do the right thing so she wanted a divorce but Edward did not want that. He could be jealous as well because he might know about relationship between his wife and Mark so Mark killed Edward because of jealous another reason is revenge because his lover died so Mark wanted to take revenge.
The motive of Death on Christmas Eve is same as Death wish, Jealous Celia seemed like a murder but we do not know exactly. She did not want his brother get married to Jessie who fall down from the top of the stairs so she was jealous of him and she never had a husband or baby but she has just brother it’s the most important reason.
The another motive is insane because she looked like an insane person such as she was always mean, unkind, impolite and unfashionable like her mother so she might kill Jessie because she was insane.
In my opinion, I think revenge is an acceptable motive because sometimes the law can not prove people who do crime and send them to prison. And it always helps people who have a lot of money so they would not go to prison or get any punishment like a bribe so Revenge is the way someone can take it except thinking about the law. The other hands people can not take the law their own hands but if the law can not help or never help even its fair I think revenge it makes people happier than the law therefore, Revenge could be an acceptable motive if we do not think too much about
The punishment

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